Each year, we take considerable time to reflect upon our practice and adjust our plans to reflect the needs, interests, and dreams of young children in our classrooms. As this process has unfolded for the four of us (Laura Dyer, Sarah Read, Chelsea LaBerge, and Adam Deyo), we have observed the direct connection between the outdoors and children’s ability to self-regulate, in addition to developing a palpable joy and curiosity about the natural world. We have approached these observations and corresponding studies with a shared interest and desire to connect with nature alongside children more deeply. Professional development from leading outdoor educators, experience with kids in the woods at school, and investigating new research have led us to extend the day outside with children this year!
With the support of our school administrators, the four of us have begun collaborating to design longer outdoor experience each Thursday for children in our rooms. We will be using a place-based perspective to connect our collective work across academic and social-emotional domains. We will head out as a group of three classrooms and join together in large and small group experiences, along with individual investigation. We will be both following the lead of children and crafting learning opportunities within the natural environment to reflect the scope and sequence of standards and curricula for Kindergarten. All the while keeping the CVSD Transferable Skills at the forefront of our planning.
Our hopes are many, including supporting children in an anxious world. Here are a few more:
- love and curiosity for learning
- open-ended play
- increased creativity/independence
- problem solving skills
- self confidence
- physical activity
- self regulation skills
- perseverance
- cooperation/connection with peers
- scientific knowledge about habitats, plants, animals, soil, composting, and more!
- purposeful opportunities to write and draw
- an appreciation, respect, and stewardship for the environment
- In Warmer Weather
- Rain boots
- Rain coat (we will still go out when it is raining, unless there is thunder or torrential downpours. We have rain/puddle pants for each child)
- Sun hat (any sunscreen and bug spray should be applied before your child comes to school)
- Water bottle
- We highly recommend long pants (that can be tucked into socks) and long sleeve shirts to keep mosquitoes and ticks at bay.
- In Colder Weather
- warm coat
- waterproof snow pants
- warm/waterproof boots
- warm socks (multiple pairs are helpful)
- two pairs of waterproof mittens
- hat
- scarf/neck warmer)
We invite your participation and questions! Our draft plan is below and will be revised as details are confirmed. We will also share more at curriculum night in September. Please email your child’s classroom teacher if you are available/interested in joining us for parts of the day! Thank you in advance for your support, more details will be forthcoming!
Draft Thursday schedule (to be revised in late August):
7:45-9:00 Morning Ease in (inside), Morning Meeting, prep gear at table seat, morning snack
9:45-10:00: Return from EA, get gear on, head outside.
10:00-10:10: Go to class meeting spot, gather with all four classes, sun salutation (scaffold)
10:15-10:45 Station 1
10:45 Class Meeting spots, reflection, pause
11:00-11:50: Lunch/Recess
12:00PM-12:30 Station 2
12:30-1:30 Free Play
1:30-2:00 Sit spots, Gratitude Circle, Story, Afternoon snack
2:00 Indoor writing activity
Laura, Sarah, Chelsea, and Adam
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